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紫微斗数大限财运 (6)紫微斗数的行限(大限、小限、流年)

佚名 08-15

紫微斗数大限财运 (6)紫微斗数的行限(大限、小限、流年)





大限法则:大限就是十年的盛衰。男阴女从命宫往前走,阴阳女从命宫逆行。以五行年龄为准。水上第二场限2岁起,第三场限时3岁起,第四场金牌限时4岁起,第五场限时游戏从5岁开始,第六场的时间限制从6岁开始。期限都是从命宫开始,男女直奔,每十年进一宫。第一步限命宫,第二步限父母宫,第三步限福德宫,第四步限天斋宫,第五步限关禄宫,而第六步,仅限于奴婢宫。 ……若生于三轮木,第一步限命宫,说明3-12岁这十年的吉凶,第二步限父母宫,说明13岁到22岁之间十年运势的好坏。年份直接进入第一宫,依此类推。


论大界十年的祸福:至于大界所行的宫,以及宫中星耀殿的善恶,善恶,善恶,乃至大界对面的宫殿。仔细检查,吉是吉,凶是凶。如果你去的宫在宫中,宫中所有的星辰都属于吉祥星辰紫微斗数大限财运 (6)紫微斗数的行限(大限、小限、流年),入宫、兴旺、土地。宫,寓意这十年运势吉祥,事业兴旺,无灾无祸,财运顺利,万事如意,少有烦恼和挫折。但是,如果同宫同宫,也有青阳、陀罗、火星、灵星、地劫、天、华极等坏星,那么主子的成败就难说了。十年不同,好与坏,好与坏。如果大限到达的宫殿,宫殿中的星辰无法进入土地,落下的地方,还有青阳、陀罗、火星、灵星、地劫、天空、华极等恶星。 ,那么这十年期限很凶紫微斗数大限财运,事业难,万事难办。同时,若有流年煞星落入大界宫,而小仙所行的宫中也有煞气,则极易出现官灾、疾病、破财等各种灾祸。 ,和死亡。遇到的凶星越多,灾难就越重,灾难的性质应该由星决定。某一步即将完成,到了突破极限的时候,如果宫中的幸运星多,对自己的劫难少,也算是一帆风顺,但如果宫中邪星多,主人就是主人。事情出差错的时候,会有很多的坏处,比如失去财富、是非、疾病、灾难等等。你要知道,当你走出坏的界限,或者进入坏的界限时,你必须预防意外损失和意外灾难。




关于大限动盘:判断大限时,以大限宫为命宫,称为“大限命宫”。比如大鉴去陈宫,那么陈宫就是大鉴命宫,毛宫就是大鉴兄弟宫,阴宫就是大鉴夫妻宫,丑宫就是大鉴少年宫……这叫做“动盘”。在研究大限的吉凶时,需要对大限的对面宫和大限的三合会做出整体判断,同时还要结合飞星四种变换中。譬如大鉴在陈宫,要看子宫(大鉴的彩伯宫)、神宫(大鉴的关禄宫)、许宫(大鉴的迁徙宫)。 (根据大建三边四方的整体判断),包括运势如何(见大建财博宫),事业如何(见大建关禄宫),出境好坏如何(见大建迁徙宫) ),当然你也可以看到这个。十年间,他们的兄弟如何(见大建兄弟宫),他们的爱情婚姻如何(见大建夫妻宫),他们的孩子如何(见大建少年宫),他们的身体状况如何(见大建纪) 'e宫),社会关系如何(见大建的仆人宫),住房和房地产(见大建的天寨宫),精神状态和幸福如何(见大建的财富宫),如何是父母(见大建父母宫)等。这时候还是应该以A级星为主,B级星为辅,冰-丁-V星作为参考。在判断大限的好坏时,需要以原来的命运为基准,得出一个合理的结论。比如本命属于富贵的性格,人生一定有很大的成就,能够获得非常好的财富、地位和名誉(这就是“本命有一定的数”),比如某大仙明宫和大仙财,丝绸,官禄,迁徙宫诸行寺繁华,无坏星,但这十年之运可破,其人必一步步成功,一飞冲天发财致富(这就是“旅行的极限要算”)。




大坚三和宫与大坚对面宫,遇华禄、华权、华客的缘分,应由吉祥决定。凡宫有吉祥,斩断哪宫吉祥。比如大建的财帛宫,就有蜕变的宿命。陆、华全、华科十年造化,华陆第一,华全第二,华科第二。 ,那么这十年的事业会很红火。其余的大显明宫和大显迁徙宫,都遇到了花露、花全、花客的缘分,同样的道理也适用。同时,建议区分不同的星况和一些事件的差异,比如连真花录和天机花录的区别。另外,还要注意各个宫殿内所有星辰和神殿的情况,好星与坏星的混杂,以及遇到华极的情况。分清主次,进行考量,综合权衡,得出结论。大限的夫妻、子女、农家、财运、父母等宫位符合本命四星,他们的看法也是基于以上原则。 2、天命宫





小极限主宰一年的兴衰,吉凶。小仙永远是男是女,不分阴阳。阴、吴、胥年出生的,陈宫一年,沉子辰一年,徐宫一年,四幽丑年出生的丑宫一年。 ,一岁从卫宫。这里的年龄是指虚拟年龄。每隔十二年,小仙就完成一个星期的八字,回到原来的房子。



流年又称太岁,或稍纵即逝的太岁,代表着一年的吉凶。若五阴为当年,则阴为当年太岁,盘阴宫见年运,毛宫见明年运。 1990年,在更武,武宫被用来看一年的运势。 2000年庚辰来的时候,他找班禅宫来确定当年的吉凶。转瞬即逝的一年与小限度相同。每隔12年,八字会转一星期,然后它会回到原来的房子。而且,流年在某座宫殿的时候,小仙肯定会在对应的第一座宫殿中。比如阴年生男孩,一岁在阴宫,小仙在陈宫,两岁在毛宫,小仙在司宫。故地支在阴流年,小仙必在陈宫,地支在毛流年,小仙必在思宫。可见,转瞬即逝的岁月和每十二年的小极限循环,和十二年前一样落在同一座房子上。但十二年前的某年和十二年后的某年,虽然太岁小限在同一个宫位,但好运和坏运根本不可能相同,甚至根本没有相似之处。原因是,此行的日期和原来的日期不一样,流年的地支是一样的,流年的天干也发生了变化。类似。


所有大小太岁,都怕走在天国伤天使,怕走在天地之间,怕走在抱阳陀罗的土地上,还有地方杨拓发光的地方。害怕突破极限,害怕达到极限。也怕伤使、劫劫、阳陀同岁限(如天使在阴,天伤在子,岁限在丑宫,也就是受伤使者合体的地方。杨沱也是一样,因为杨沱保命还是凶的,何况是极限,也是凶)。遇到上述不祥之兆,想要安然无恙或减轻灾祸,一定要看看命宫或限龄宫有没有长生星紫微、天童、天亮、贪狼坐镇。想要慎重推的话,还得看煞气的月值,煞气的日值紫微斗数大限财运 (6)紫微斗数的行限(大限、小限、流年),有没有加。总之,大限、小限、太岁和月、日、时为六。在讨论大限和太岁的吉凶时,需要单独详述大限的吉凶;小限的吉凶;年龄限制很严格。看大限与小限的相遇,好与坏,大限与太岁,好与坏,小限与太岁,好与坏,来判断不幸和幸运。看太岁冲到大限和小限,太岁冲到羊、陀、七杀,然后就可以确定好坏。在判断年运时,一定要注意D级星和E级星的作用(即流年之前的星和流年之前的星,简称流星)。观察流星飞入本命盘各宫的情况,以飞入原宫为主,飞入三合和对宫为辅,判断当年的杂事(这里的原宫指本命宫)宫,不是指大限命宫或流年命宫),比如大消费星飞入本命宫或本命宫,可能会造成经济损失或大笔开支,而指背飞入原命宫,以防小人。还有很多。需要注意的是,流星只起配角,大界星辰的好坏,流年宫,神殿的陨落,都要视作积极的决定。

流年移盘上:在判断流年太岁的好坏时,以流年所在的宫殿为命宫,称为“流年命宫”,第一宫为弟弟的宫。流年宫,对面是流年夫妻。宫等。比如流年去陈宫,那么陈宫就是流年命宫,毛宫就是流年兄弟宫,阴宫就是流年夫妻宫,丑宫就是流年。少年宫……这叫“动盘”,和大限动盘原理完全一样。研究流年吉凶时,必须将流年对面宫和流年三合相作为一个整体,结合四变的飞星,以此来判断流年的运势。年。至。譬如流年地支是辰,流年就在辰宫。除了星耀在巨臣宫的吉凶,还要看宫(流年财丝宫)、神宫(流年关禄宫)、许宫殿(流年迁徙的宫殿)。 ),可以知道这个人这一年的吉凶和成就(根据流年三四面宫的整体判断),包括运势如何(看财运和流年丝宫),还有事业(见流年官禄宫),出门的好坏如何(见连年迁徙宫),当然也可以看看他的兄弟们在今年(见流年兄弟宫),他们的爱情和婚姻怎么样(见流年夫妻宫),他们的孩子怎么样(见流年的孩子宫),你的身体状况如何(见流年病苦宫),你的社会关系如何(见流年仆人宫),住房和房地产如何(见流年农家宫),你的精神状态和祝福(见流年的仆人宫殿蚂蚁)财运宫),父母怎么样(见流年父母宫)等。这时候还是应该以A级星为主,B级星为辅, B-D-E 级恒星应作为参考。尤其是D级星星和E级星星(即流年之前的星星和流年之前的星星)的影响是不容忽视的。

论流年与四华星:判断流年时,要结合四华星来判断。此时的四星包括本命四星(也称今生四星)、大限所在宫的天干四星(又称本命四星)。大限),流年四星。 (又名流年四星) 三.由于限岁四华星的飞布法则最为神秘,非常复杂和深奥,这里只介绍最基本和最表面的内容。这时要注意,如果说今年的干枝是1998年的五阴,那么流年和天干就是武。在推算1998年的农历运势时,四星一定是由五干所飞,而不是本命盘上阴宫本身的天干。飞四变,比如本命盘阴宫的天干就是铠甲,不能用甲干飞四变。六十甲子是一个轮回,今年是五阴,六十年后就是五阴年。虽然在原本的本命盘上,宫位和阴宫一样,流年也一样,都是吴,但是时限已经变了。年龄也变了,所以这两个无印的好运和坏运也不会一样。同时,紫微斗数的流年从每年农历正月初一开始,到十二月三十(或第二个十九))结束,而不是开始随着春天的开始。




3、大限四星对流年的影响:流年受大限管,大限管十年。这十年的运气受制于大限。并不是说这十年每一年的运气都好,这一步就变好了,也不是说这十年每一年的运气都不好,这一步就变坏了。这一步仅限于好,如果有些转瞬即逝的岁月坏了,有好坏之分,再坏也好不到哪里去,要不就是暂时坏了。这一步必然是坏的,如果有些流年过得好,坏中有好,再好也好不了多少紫微斗数大限财运,要不就是一时好。期限顺利,转瞬即逝的一年也顺利。自然是好的更好。最后期限变坏了,转瞬即逝的一年变坏了。自然,坏的更坏,坏的就是最坏的。所以,极限第四星对流年的影响很大。如果六年明宫的三个方格(即六年明宫、六年迁徙宫、六年财博宫、六年观禄宫)满足了华禄、华权、华客最有限的天干,但不是华吉, then the When the year is , you will know what kind of is when He Gong gets . For , the , which is in the year, will have an image and in the and work of that year. At this time, there is no need to worry about which the to in the natal chart. If the three of the year with the Huaji of the great limit, the year not be , and if the meets the Huaji, it is not good for the . It will not be , Lian sick or , Tian Ji Hua , etc. At this time, don't care what the life to in the natal chart.

4、The of the four stars of the year on the great limit: the four stars of the year have an on the year, and the four stars of the year also have an on the great limit. If the four stars of the year fly into the limit In the , many have in the year. If you fly into the and wife or the of the , you pay to the and wife. Those who are in love may a , and there will be in work. can be from one and by .

5、The of the on the natal life: the has on the natal life, but the is not very large. In fact, at this time, the focus be on the and the . Hua Ji is the main when the of Life and the of . Years Four Huas into the other than the and the of have no on the luck of the year.

6、The of the four stars of the natal life on the year: The four stars of the birth year (that is, the four of the birth year) only have an on the big limit, and have no on the year ( the year and below).

4、 : Ziwei can the good and bad luck of each month on the chart. To the lunar luck, you must first find the . The is to find the house where the of the year is on the , start the first month in this house, count back to the month of my birth, and then start from the house where it , and count it to the end of my birth. The where he stays is where the of that year is. Or you can first find out the of to the above , then start from the where is , and go to the of the year to be , then the of that year is . The of the year is the first month of the year, the first is the month, and the next is the third month... Until , the first in is , and the - is . If there is an month in the year, the 15th day of the month shall be used as the , the first half of the month shall be as the month, and the half of the month shall be as the next month.

On the good and bad luck of the moon: Dou Jun goes to a every month, and his good and bad views are the same as the big and small . Less, or bad luck, or mixed good and bad. When luck, we must pay to the role of -level stars (the stars the year and the stars the year, that is, ). the of 24 into the , and make by into the Life , by the and the . only plays an role. If the main star in the is , and there are more lucky stars in the same or a , even if there is a bad star in the , there is to worry about. , if the main star in the falls, and if there are stars in the same , plus , and even more stars in the , the may .

On the plate: The house that to is the Life , and the first house is the .... The is the same as that of the Great Limit and the year plate. On the moon and the four stars: When the moon, the four stars also be to make a . At this time, the four stars be by the four stars of the year, the four stars of the sky have the on the moon, and then the four stars of the big limit be . have .

5、The sun at the first one in the house where the moon is , , and goes one house every day, from the first to the 30th day of the first month, and goes each house one by one. If is in Yin , then the first day of the first month is also in Yin , the day is in Mao , and the third day is in Chen …. Of , there will be in the where the days are , such as the first day and the 13th, the 25th, the day and the 14th, and the 26th... will in the first house. , the good and bad luck of the first day of the new year and the -fifth day of 十三、 will not be the same, and the they will not be the same, but the of the sun is in the same , and the age limit and the moon are in the same . The place where it is has not , and this is a , which is to . As for how to solve this , the did not talk about it. In order to this , many today have , but it is to them, and there are some when they are used in . In my , it be based on the stems of the days. But this is a in among Ziwei . There are so many and , it is to all those small . It seems that it is too under the days. Due to , it be in depth here.

6、Liu Shi is based on the house where the sun sets, and when the first house is , it is ugly. From Zi to Hai, one hour goes to one house, and the 12 are in one day. The luck of the hour is in the of the plate, and the good and the bad are good and bad.


After you have read the of each house in the fixed , you first look at the trend of the limit, that is, the house of the limit, and look at the house of life in the house of the limit (the of the stars in the ), other All the the of the fixed , and all the stars , only the move. Then set the three and four , such as the sub-, that is, the sub- as the life for the next ten years, the as the , Chen as the Lu, Wu as the , plus the Gan’s Lu Cun and the four. (kui, Yue does not) judge it by at the of the fixed plate, by at the good and bad luck and the in each house the ten-year .


After the good and bad luck of the ten-year big limit, then look at the small limit. The small limit is from the year of birth, such as and one year old from the . The is the life of the in that year. From the same point of view of the time limit, the of the year , after the three and four are , after the of the , the four (kui, Yue do not need to be used) ), see what house of Lu Cun, Yang, Tuo and are in the small limit, and then see what house is the big limit, what house is the life in the big limit, the of the house be paid to, such as the small limit If the falls in the of the major , you pay to to or and wife, and the sign of the minor by at the of the fixed , and you can see the good and bad luck of the year . .

Tai Sui:

It is given to each by the gods. The in the are . The gods give each the same , but each 's is due to the of each 's luck. That is to say, Tai Sui The and the four are the same, but the on is very . The life of the year is based on the where the of the year falls, and then the three of the life wall are used to see how the year him. The of of the .

1. Let’s first look at which house Tai Sui falls in the fixed .

2. 's four are based on 's .

3. Tai Sui's Lu Cun, Yang, Tuo, Kui and Yue must be based on the small-limit .

4. Tai Sui's is based on the and of the three-sided and four- stars.


is into ( ), and small-limit (its own ), which are into and , each has its own . The is used to start the four , and the Yin is used to start the life wall of the first month. The key of and to this are the same as those of years. The small limit from the where Dou Jun falls, and the first month is by the fixed stems of the where it is . The is into the life wall of to see the good and bad luck of the month.

1. 's four stars and the house where falls, you must pay to Dou Jun when you meet the moon.

2. The house of the big or small limit, if the star or falls, pay to the of the star and the owner.


The day of Tai Sui can be to the five or by to the . The small day is to the of the where the moon falls, and it is that the moon is in the . That is the year of the first year. . . .

When :

at the of the (the and the days are not ), , if the first day of the first day is in the Wu , the child is in the Wu , and the ugly time is the Wei ...
