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男命地支藏正偏财看婚姻 女,测八字,求算婚姻

佚名 08-23

男命地支藏正偏财看婚姻 女,测八字,求算婚姻


出生公历:1986 年 2 月 5 日 16:6(北京时间),星期三。
















※提醒:神煞是八字预测中的附加信息。是好是坏,要看神沙的好恶,不能单凭神沙的气质来判断。在八字中,它可以起到反映事物种类和性质的作用。 ※




五元素之力:水5(1.3%)木207(55.1%)火74(19.7%)土20(5.3 %) 金 70(18.6%)

自生力:90(23.9%) 克漏力:286(76.1%)。阴气:18(4.8%) 阳气:358(95.2%)。







※提醒:以日期和时间来判断命运显然是有偏差的,但给出的断言可以作为八字分析的提醒,经典有其深刻的含义。 ※





(3)庚日出生的人,一定不能没有丁火。你需要用火训练才能得到武器。然而,阴月的气候寒冷,显示出冷冷的样子。有A、C为候神,其次用丁火。C、A齐全,就是极品。天性,要么贫乏,要么昙花一现。就是杨瑾虽然喜欢火,但是火太陈旧了男命地支藏正偏财看婚姻 女,测八字,求算婚姻,就会变成冲天的

(4)庚日阴月出生的人,受的丁火明显,无极有土无水,是富贵命。 , 有丁官, 严禁有水害. 官. 官星不能离开财印. 官杀太陈旧了. 应该用印章来转化官杀, 以利财富和生命.











※温馨提示:有一个很好的讨论生命与生命的关系,是寻找神灵的警钟,并给出了实际的例子,可供讨论命运的人比较和研究。 ※


★ 多年打工七杀,无大姐,有兄弟姐妹,或家境贫寒。年枝偏财,会送外地,心杂,几枝偏财,年少养子。








※提醒:分宫判断可以反映一些信息,但要综合运用,不能强求。 ※




※提醒:这是一种破除生命的神奇方法。它所依据的原则再也无法检验。大致可以看到一生命运的轮廓,以供参考。 ※




※《三缘通慧》云:“神无庙无处,人无房无居,命无宫无主。”命宫应盛不衰。惩罚胜过伤害。 ※



★ 财富偏好。优点:精力充沛、不耐烦、大方、豪爽。聪明能干,善于抓住赚钱的机会。善于沟通,机智诙谐,神采飞扬,言行有力,生活中偶遇多,常有意外收获,乐观不怕挫折。缺点:大方大方,不太注重金钱,容易造成铺张浪费。我不喜欢呆在家里,我喜欢出去工作。喜欢钻营,善于交际,平易近人,男人与女人的缘分比较多,容易影响家庭和婚姻生活。





★ 庚辛日生的人,水葫芦眼,耳对口,滴珠。
































★ 火为大官,性格刚烈。因此,他经常遇到不公,拔刀相助。他为人端庄,适合文化、艺术和教育工作,竞争较少。








★ 用贵族、福禄金饰品击打鲁马。




※提醒:职业与财运密切相关。什么样的职业有什么样的财运,偏财运可以从偏投的行业获得,正财可以从正规的传统行业获得。 . ※





★ 官方信息:天空干燥。地支不藏。













※注:财能生官,阴能护官,两者对官运也很重要。有灾祸时,花样好,好运来了,但可以很丰富。受伤的官员有控制权,反而成为名人。 ※


★武、徐、海六合,即属马、属狗、属猪的人,更适合结婚;二年生的人不宜嫁,即属蛇的人更不宜男命地支藏正偏财看婚姻 女,测八字,求算婚姻,与属猴的人有矛盾,除此之外,没有必要担心。




★老公的身材是极端的,就是夫妻身材不匹配。男人高,女人矮;男人瘦,女人胖。 (否则,丈夫会生病。)











※温馨提示:结婚除了看个人星座,还要一起看双方的星座,才能做出最终的判断。一般来说,你喜欢和谐,你不喜欢克服伤害。 ※


★ 那些在阳光下软弱的人,以上帝为印记或并肩帮助的人,会得到父母或兄弟姐妹的青睐,并获得更多的阴影或遗产。









※多看年月的祖传。对于受宠、富贵、幸运的神灵,祖宗会留下更多的痕迹。否则,他们将从头开始。 ※

















★ 兄弟姐妹比骑马的走得更远,也更潇洒。






★ 阴神和司海多的人是大师双胞胎。





※温馨提示:当年的父母,月的兄弟姐妹,现在的孩子,可以由宫廷或十神来判断。 ※






※温馨提示:阴阳平衡,八字五行,表示人体健康无病。太旺或太弱都容易诱发疾病,而五行往往是疾病的根源。 ※










※提示:完美的星座很少见。找出星座的小毛病并采取某些措施来治疗它们可以改善你的命运。主要是拿八字,用神明来调整后天环境。 ※








[April Guisi] The mind is and the heart is not , and are but not broad-. To know the truth, there are still two .

[Jiawu in May] The was fast in the boat, the and the was late, and were , a lot of .

[June Yiwei] The plan has been , what's the , the moon goes up to the heavy , and the guest in the cloud nods.

[July ] Qi Qi Qi, the is and the is good, after the the , the is .

[ ] The guest made a blind date, fame and fame, gold and , and up to the sun.

[ 2019] White jade is in dust, gold is in the earth, and it has been for a long time, and it needs to be .

[ Ji Hai] The mind is not lost, the heart is not , and the that need to be are still by two .

[ ] The was fast in the boat, the and the was late, and were calm, many .

[ Xin Chou] The plan has been , so what is there to worry about, the moon goes up to the heavy , and the cloud guest nods.

★ this year: Huoze Jugua★ are in a hurry on the road, the river and on thin ice. Three steps and two steps are fine, but one wrong step falls into the water. Duan said: haven't , lost are hard to find, and if you get this , be in .

【27 Years Old: in 2012 Small Luck: Ding Si】In of the God of in the year, he runs the land of . stems and are the gods of , and are the gods of earth and earth.

★ in year: 66 , : 51 .

★Good luck, goes , good , and good luck for fame and .

★Shen Sha of Years: is not good for , but good for .

[ ] Quiet are , a geese fly in the , peach are in a , and women by the water cry.

[ ] The body is , the mind is , the is two or three times, and will be happy in the end.

[ in March] A new of and plums, who knows the sun and the , works a lot under the and the water, and is by the .

[April Otomi] The was fast in the boat, the and the was late, and were calm, a lot of .

[May ] be kept, lead to , fame and , and .

[June Ding Wei] Qi Qi Qi, the and the , after the the , the is .

[July ] A guest made a blind date, fame and fame at his , gold and , and up to the sun.

[ Jiyou] The white jade is in the dust, the gold is in the earth, and it has been for a long time.

[ ] The lake and the sea are , and the hook is under the smoke. If there is a and a , the fame and will be .

[ ] The was fast in the boat, the and the was late, and were , many .

[ Renzi] be kept, lead to , well-known and well-known, with and .

[ Gui Chou] The heart is in , the are in , the is good the door, and there is an end to the .

★ in this year: Lugua ★The bird was lucky to get out of the cage, its from the . As soon as you reach your , you can go east, west, north and south at will. Duan said: is good, is , is , and is very good.

【28 Years Old: 2013 Guisi Small Luck: 】In of the in the year, the land of . Great Luck and years, the sky is the earth, the sky is dry and the water is idle, and the earth is the god of fire.

★ for the year: 20 , : 28 .

★ is in with the time.

★Avoid , do not in topic , more, and get bad luck.

★ in this year: Gua★ This has bad luck, just like doing . pigs and sheep sells late, and all pigs and sheep are sold and . Duan said: It is not good to the name, the is not , the is not cured, and it is more to do .

【29 Years Old: 2014 Jiawu Small Luck: Yimao】 is a place for and a place. The god of for the sky and the wood, and the god of fire for the .

★ for the year: 11 , : 23 .

★ Don't in such as sex. When with the sex, you pay to a and avoid in , which is easy to cause .

★ : are to .

★ this year: on King Wen to open his , and he was rich and for eight years. Duan said: Going out is , must be , all are , and is .

【30 Years Old: 2015 Yiwei Small Luck: 】 Years is a , the crown belt. stems and Yimu hate the god, and the is not the earth.

★ in year: 57 , : 46 .

★The of Yi Geng's years and the of the moon, the of Yi Geng's years and the and of the sun.

★Don't get , and wages may be less than , which is not good for .

★ this year: Kun is the earth . Going out, , right and wrong are . Duan said: I can find to see, I have lost my trust, my is , and is fine.

The step of the : 2016-2025

※The of the Seven Kills of the is a land of . The of the first five years: 25 , the of the next five years: 53 .

★It is like when a the age of 40, the age of life has , and the of his has , and there is major to do. At this time, you live a life.

★ stems, , and are of gods, and are happy. The great luck of with the sun.

【31 Years Old: 2016 Small Luck: Gui Chou】 Seven kills in the year, the land. stems, , , use gods.

★ in year: 64 , : 44 .

★Shen Yin's years with the years, and years with the moon .

★ you feel too this year, your is , you are faced with and , you calm down, study hard, and seize the .

★Shen Sha of Years: When you are in a year, you will have the joy of .

★ this year: Kun is the earth . Going out, , right and wrong are . Duan said: I can find to see, I have lost my trust, my is , and is fine.

[32-year-old year: 2017 Ding You : Renzi] The year is the chief, the land of . stems, , gods, , and gold use gods.

★ in year: 64 , : 44 .

★ year and day six .

★Don't take the , the time is not ripe, come back later.

★Shen Sha of Years: Peach will have , and there are many love . Be when you are in the year, and you must be in your . There is a fear of or loss of .

★This year's : ★'s this is , , , and . The into , and there was a on the of right and wrong. Duan said: but not them, minds, the and the moon, .

[33-year-old year: 2018 Wuxu : ] The year is a place of . stems and Wutu like gods, and and Xutu like gods.

★ in year: 75 , : 50 .

★Xu Chen's years and the sun .

★If you want to earn extra money in to your main , then the time has come, and this year is also a good luck for .

★ this year: Di Ze Lin Gua ★ a high level of in , and to seek . There is a big in , and there are from the lost. Duan said: The , the is cured, I seek the of the name, and my house is safe.

【34 Years Old: 2019 Ji Hai Small Luck: Geng Xu】The of the year is and the land of . stems are the god of earth and joy, and the is the god of water .

★ in year: 58 , : 41 .

★The of Jijia's years and the of the times. is in with the year, and is in with the month.

★ Don't take part in types of , you study more and more with it you go, you will be in vain.

★ in this year: Earth, , and There is no harm in about right and wrong. Duan said: is , are , lost can be found, all kinds of .

【35 Years Old: 2020 Small Luck: Ji You】The year is the same as the , the dead place. stems are the gods of geng and gold, and the of the earth are the gods of water .

★ in year: 66 , : 45 .

★Zi year and day and time Sanhe Water .

★In , you try your best to do it alone, less with , don't with , and don't get in the of big .

★This year's : Lei Tian Da Gua ★ Gua Zhan gets a big tree, and it is time to go on the road. The times are , and you can take care of when you have to do. Duan said: It is to go out, keep your and away, all will be , and will come.

【36 Years Old: Xin Chou in 2021, Luck: 】 Years is the of money and the tomb. The stems are the gods of , and the are the gods of ugly earth.

★ in year: 82 , : 67 .

★The of Xin Bing's years and .

★It is to in and risky . With the help of , you may .

★ this year: 's ★ is happy to be off the , money to . The is to the and the is , and the and glory are than . Duan said: is , is , is , and is .

【37 Years Old: in 2022, Small Luck: Ding Wei】The God of is in of the year, and runs the land of the . stems and are the god of , and are the god of of Yinmu.

★ in year: 34 , : 43 .

★Yin Shen's years meet with the times.

★This year is the year of birth, so be in .

★Pay to food , the lazy in your mind, cheer up, and rush out of the of life.

★Shen Sha of Years: moves a lot this year.

★ this year: Water, and Needs Gua★The Pearl has been deep in the earth for a long time, and it has been dull and until now. the wind blew away the soil, and it was again. Duan said: If you are in your plans, if you are , if you are for money, you are also happy to .
